SIOG 2023 Masterclass – Geriatric Oncology Clinical Trials Design

Applications for the SIOG 2023 Masterclass: Geriatric Oncology Clinical Trials Design are open! The course will be hosted at the Marly Innovation Center in Fribourg, Switzerland, from October 3 – 6, 2023. Do not hesitate to share this opportunity with interested colleagues.  
About the Course 
The SIOG Masterclass offers world-class training to healthcare professionals treating older cancer patients, to addressing hidden inclusion criteria that inevitably exclude older cancer patients in randomised control trials. The course will help delegates develop protocol concepts for clinical trials, ready for submission at their institutions. 
Why should you attend the SIOG Masterclass? 
Cancer rates continue to rise globally, disproportionately impacting the older population. Individuals aged 70 and above are particularly affected and account for the most significant proportion of cancer-related deaths globally. Despite this, the care they receive falls short compared to other age groups. The misconception that older adults have a lower treatment tolerance contributes to this, leading to under-representation in trial registration.  There is a strong emphasis from regulatory bodies on the need to include patients aged 75 and above. Yet, very often, fewer older cancer patients are enrolled at the time of registration of new drugs, — resulting in a skewed output of tolerance in the ‘non-fit’ older population. 
Application process: 
To complete the application, please fill in the online form by June 4, 2023 and send the following documents:  
1. Motivation letter  
2. Short curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages) 
3. A description of your Clinical Trial Project
Read more about the course and apply here!