SIOG 2014 – Posters sélectionnés

“Bringing two worlds together – Oncology and gériatrics”

 SIOG 2014 – Scientific Program

Track 1 – Solid tumors

 Physical performance and biological correlates of functional limitation in older breast cancer survivors 1-2 years following surgical treatment with an without chemotherapy

Feasibility of adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer women over 70 years after comprehensive geraitric assessment (CGA)

80 years and beyond : safety and legitimacy of colorectal cancer surgery

Track 2 – Haem malignancies

Disruption of the clinical care pathway in geriatric hematology : Impact of the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Comorbidities, polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication in elderly patients treated for multiple myeloma

Track 3 – Geriatric Assessment

 Improving cancer care in elderly patients using a communication booklet a prospective multicenter belgian study

Accurate classification of performance status in elderly patients : design, validation, implementation of a remote patient activity monitoring device

Building a geriatric service in a cancer center lessons learned during its first 5 years

Post surgical skilled care utilization at hospital discharge in older cancer patients

 Prognosis value for the G-8 of early death in older patients with cancer, an ELCAPA cohort study

Individual components of geriatric Assessment for Prediction of five year Survival after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer

Geriatric profile of elderly patients treated for pancreatic cancer : the ONCOGEPAN database

Prevalence of sarcopenia, cachexia and malnutrition of older cancer patient

Assessing the validity of the CARG (Cancer and Aging Research Group) Chemotharapy Toxicity Score for reduced models

Track 4 – Nursing

Met and unmet needs of informal caregivers of older cancer patients having chemotherapy

Skin cancer screening by nurses in the elderly during hospitalization in acute geriatric unit

Implementing an Educationnal Initiative to Promote Sleep

Track 4 – Supportive care

The development of a questionnaire to measure reasons why older adults accept or decline cancer treatment

Family caregivers of elderly patient with cancer : A protocol on needs and perceived promizing interventions

 Psychosocial support for patients with  cancer

Track 5  – Advocacy ans Socio-Economical

Attitudes of Patients Towards Cancer Clinical Trials

Dernières modifications le 30 mai 2018 | Marina Le Clinche - Responsable administrative et financière